Nadia Tromp

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Nadia Tromp o tshotswe ka Hirikgong a tlhola malatsi a le masome a mararo le bongwe ke moagi wa Afrika Borwa[1] a itsege mo go tsa loago le tsa setshaba mo go tsa botsogo mo Afrika Borwa[2]Ka ngwaga wa 2017 o ne a le mofenyi wa tsa kago mo lefatsheng ka bopharamo go tsa botsogo ko sepateleng sa Westbury.O feletse a neelwa tuelo ya bokgoni kwa Gauteng Institute for Architecture le tuelo go tswa ko South African Institute of Architects.[3]Ka ngwaga wa 2019 ko a neng a berekela teng ba tsere setlankana sa tsa kago mo tirosong tse dintsi.[4]

Botshelo jwa gagwe go tswa pele le dithuto[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Tromp o ne a tshotswe ko Fishoek ,Afrika Borwa.O ithutile a bo a fenya a tsaya sentlankana sa gagwe ko sekolong se segolwane sa Cape Town, le setlankana sa gagwe se se golo ko sekolong se se golwane ko Harvard.Fa a fetsa le go bereka ko Noero Wolff ko tlase ga Jo Noero ,O feletse a nna mokaedi wa Paragon Habitat.Ka ngwaga wa 2008 o tlhomile dikago tsa "Ntsika Architects", e raya pilara ya maatla kana pilara ya motse. [5][6]

Mokgwa wa go tlhama[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Tromp o baya ko pele tsa kago tse di na leng mosola mo bathong.[7]Ditiro tsa gagwe ko sepateleng mo Afrika Borwa le uso le tiro ya gagwe mo civic sphere e dirile gore a tsenelele mo lofelong le a leng mo go lone.

Union International des Architectes(UIA)[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Tromp o nale maemo a mokaedi ko International Unin of Architects(UIA) "Community Architecture"-Architecture and Human Rights,Work Programmme, e e berekang le UIA Congress,e feleletswa pele ga nako ya Brazil UIA Congress ka ngwaga wa 2020[8]

GIFA (Gauteng Institute for Architecture)[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Ka ngwaga wa 2018 ka Tlhakole ,Tromp o ne a tlhopilwe gore e nne tautona wa Gauteng Institute for Architecture ,o feditse ka ngwaga wa 2020 ka kgwedi ya Tlhakole fa tautona o a neng a bewa setilo mo GIFA e ele Krynauw Nel.[9]

Tiro e e tlhophilweng[10][fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Hillbrow Esselen Street Clinic[11][fetola | Fetola Motswedi]


Location :South AfricA,Hillbrow

Westbury Clinic[12][fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Year: 2014/15

Location: South Africa, Westbury

Westbury Transformation Develpment Centre[13][fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Year: 2015/16 - 2019

Location: South Africa, Westbury

Diproject tse di tlang[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Rea Vaya BRT Stations & Urban upgrades[edit][fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Year: 2019 - 2022

Location: South Africa, Sandton & Gandhi Square

Ditlankana le go amogelwa[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

  • 2015 - 19millionproject winner – MoHM (Museum of Human Migration) Mobile Modular Museum, Rome[14]
  • 2015 - Mbokodo South African Women in the Arts[15]
  • 2017 - Women in Construction Awards – Architecture - finalist
  • 2017 - Award of merit for Westbury Clinic Project - GIFA
  • 2017 - Completed Buildings Category Winner for Westbury Clinic Project - World Architecture Festival, Berlin[16]
    • 2018 - SAIA- Corobrik Merit Award: Westbury Clinic Project
    • 2018 - President of Gauteng Institute for Architects (GIFA)[17]
    • 2018 - Director of the International Union of Architects (UIA) "Community Architecture" - Architecture & Human Rights, Work Programme[18]

Metswedi[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

  1. [user-generated source][1]
  2. "On Trend in Architecture: Mesh". Visi. 12 June 2018
  3. "Overall winners 2017".[2]
  4. "Westbury TDC"[3]
  5. Staff Reporter (3 August 2009). "Book of South African Women: Architects". The M&G Online
  6. "ABOUT - Gauteng - Ntsika Architects". Top Female Architect - Gauteng - Ntsika Architects
  7. Zuerita. "Designing high-spec, public buildings"[4]
  8. "WorkProgramme".[5]
  9. "Presidents | GIfA | Gauteng Institute for Architecture | Johannesburg (Joburg), Gauteng, South Africa".[6]
  10. "Top Female Architect - Gauteng - Ntsika Architects". Top Female Architect - Gauteng - Ntsika Architects
  11. "Esselen Clinic / Ntsika Architects". 21 August 2017.[7]
  12. "Westbury Clinic / Ntsika Architects". 2 August 2017
  13. "Westbury Transformation Development Centre (WTDC) is 90% Complete!". 16 November 2018.[8]
  14. "Reflections on A Human Rights Crisis". Business Media MAGS
  15. Mafika (15 September 2015). "South African women in arts honoured".[9]
  16. "Overall winners 2017".[10]
  17. [11] 2018 - Director of the International Union of Architects (UIA) "Community Architecture" - Architecture & Human Rights, Work Programme
  18. "WorkProgramme".[12]