Balgis Osman-Elasha

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Balgis Osman-Elasha
TiroClimate scientist
MohiriAfrican Development Bank
O itsegi kaIPCC Fourth Assessment Report

Balgis Osman-Elasha ke mmatlisisi wa tsa loapi go tswa kwa Sudan yo o ithutang ka manokonoko kgotsa ditlamorago tsa phetogo ya loapi mo Aforika le go godisa ditlhabololo tse di ikemetseng le go itsetsepela ga seemo sa phetogo ya loapi. E ne e le mokwadi mogolo wa pego ya IPCC Fourth Assessment e e neng ya kopanya baemedi bagolo ba mafatshefatshe ka tlotla ya Noble Peace Prize ya tsa phetogo ya loapi, mme o ne a kaiwa jaaka mmampudi wa United Nations Environmental Programme wa lefatshe ka ngwaga wa 2008.

Tiro[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Go tswa ka ngwaga wa 2009 Osman- Elasha ke moitsaanape mogolo wa tsa phetogo loapi kwa African Development Bank. [1][2][3] O tlhalositse manokonoko a phetogo ya loapi mo Aforika, segolo jang mafatshe a a kwa botlhaba jwa Aforika a aitsegeng e le Horn of Africa; o etleeditse go itepatepanya le phetogo ya lopi; a bo a supa seabe sa mafatshe a a nang le madirelo mo phetogong ya loapi.[1] [4]O supa fa batho ba ba kgethololwang, le basadi ba amiwa ke ditlamorago tse di sa iamang tsa phetogo ya loapi ka ntlha ya go ikaega ka ditsa tlholego tse di mo kotsing le ka go bo lehuma le ngotla kgonagalo ya bone ya go tshela le seemo.[5]

Osman-Elasha o simolotse tsa tiro ka go lema le go tlhokomela ditlhare kwa Sudan's Forests National Corporation ka dingwaga tsa 1980.[6] Tiro ye a neng a le mo go yone ya Fuelwood for Energy e ne e gatelela temo ditlhare mo baaging, go somarela lookwane le tlhokomelo e e maleba ya go tlamela dikgwa.[6] Setlhopha sa gagwe se ne sa anamisa ditofo tse di tlhabolotsweng go fokotsa tiriso ya dikgong,[6] e le bontlha bongwe jwa tiro ya bone. O tlotlomatsa tiro e ka go bo e mo rutile ka pharologano e e leng teng mo magaeng kwa Sudan le mathata a baagi ba magae ba a itemogelang.[6]

Osman-Elasha o simolotse tiro ya phetogo ya loapi e le mmatlisisi kwa Climate Change Unit kwa Sudan's Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources.[1][5][7] Tiro ya gagwe koo e ne e akaretsa go dira ditlhotlhomiso ka mowa o o borai, se se ne sa baka gore a lemoge kamano gareng ga go golela pele ga mewa e e borai le go kgaola ditlhare kwa Sudan.[6][8] Patlisiso ya gagwe e ne ya lebelela borai jwa phetogo ya loapi le itepatepanya le lenyora mo dikgaolong tse di leng kotsing.[3]

Osman-Elasha ke leloko la Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, gape ke mokwadi mogolo mo pegong ya IPCC Fourth Assessment Report.[1][3][4] O ne a tsenelela moletlo wa Nobel Prize award e le moemedi wa IPCC ka nako e e neng ya neelwa tlotla ka seetsele sa 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.[1][4][8]

Osman-Elasha o ne a neelwa seetsele sa United Nations Environment Programme Champions of the Earth ka ngwaga wa 2008.[1] Nopolo ya seetsele e ne ya supa gore "kgang e Dr. Osman-Elasha a e gatelellang ya go thuthafala ga lefatshe le go itepatepanya le seemo kwa Sudann, e le botlhokwa fa go lebelelwa kamano e e nonofileng gareng ga phetogo ya loapi le kgotlhang mo lefatsheng" e ne ya lemoga le tiro ya gagwe mo go ruteng baithuti ba dikolo tse di rutelang ditiro ka phetogo ya loapi.[4]

Botshelo jwa gagwe[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Osman-Elasha o tlholega kwa Sudan.[1][9]Rragwe o ne a berekela banka le marekisetso a dijo tse di apeilweng kwa Khartoum.[6] O na le barwa le barwadia rragwe ba le lesome.[6]

O tsene sekolo kwa University of Khartoum ka dingwaga tsa 1980, ka nako e basetsana ba neng ba le bannye ka palo.[1] O na le dithuto tsa Bachelor of Science in agriculture and forestry, Master's degree in environmental science le Doctorate in forestry science.[1][10]

Osman-Elasha o nyetswe e bile o ne le bana ba le bararo.[1][6]

Dikgatiso tse di tlhophilweng[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

  • Osman-Elasha, Balgis (2012-04-17). "In the shadow of climate change". UN Chronicle. 46 (4): 54–55.
  • Elasha, B. O. (2010). Mapping of climate change threats and human development impacts in the Arab region. UNDP Arab Development Report–Research Paper Series, UNDP Regiona Bureau for the Arab States.
  • Nyong, A., Adesina, F. & Osman Elasha, B. (2007). The value of indigenous knowledge in climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies in the African Sahel. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 12, 787–797.
  • Osman-Elasha, B., Goutbi, N., Spanger-Siegfried, E., Dougherty, B., Hanafi, A., Zakieldeen, S., ... & Elhassan, H. M. (2006). Adaptation strategies to increase human resilience against climate variability and change: Lessons from the arid regions of Sudan. Assessments of impacts and adaptations to climate change (AIACC) working paper, 42.
  • Elasha, B. O., Elhassan, N. G., Ahmed, H., & Zakieldin, S. (2005). Sustainable livelihood approach for assessing community resilience to climate change: case studies from Sudan. Assessments of impacts and adaptations to climate change (AIACC) working paper, 17.

Metswedi[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 Kushkush, Ismail. "Sudanese scientist battles climate change in Africa". Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  2. Compliance, Balgis Osman-ElashaAfrican Development Bank Group | AfDB ·; DivisionPhD, Safeguards. "Balgis OSMAN-ELASHA | Climate Change Expert | PhD | African Development Bank Group, Tunis | AfDB | Compliance and Safeguards Division (ORQR.3)". ResearchGate. Retrieved 2022-03-31.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 "11 Sudanese Scientists You Should Know About".500 Words Magazine. Retrieved 2022-03-31.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Environment, U. N. (2019-08-22). "Dr. Balgis Osman-Elasha". Champions of the Earth. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Nations, United. "Women...In The Shadow of Climate Change". United Nations. Retrieved 2022-03-31.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 "Balgis the Constant Conservationist". Gaia Discovery. Retrieved 2022-03-31.
  7. Kushkush, Ismail. "Sudanese scientist battles climate change in Africa". (in Sekgoa). Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Nations, United. "Women...In The Shadow of Climate Change". United Nations (in Sekgoa). Retrieved 2022-03-31.
  9. "Sudanese Who Made It Big". Ola Diab. 2011-05-28. Retrieved 2022-03-31.
  10. "European Environment Foundation". Retrieved 2022-03-30.

Dipadi tse dingwe[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]