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Madila a raa dijo dile mokawana tse di dirilweng ka go remisiwa/ ts'aroloswa ga mashi. Go remisa moo go e efang mashi tatso ee bots’arara, go dirwa kago dira themisane kago hupetsa mashi gore go ts’arologe kana ka go tsenya sets’arolosi sa go tshwana le mature a surinamone kana vineka(vinegar). Sets’arolosi se dira gore mashi a reme abo a kgotlagana kana a nna tshume go kganna go ipopa kana go nna teng ga megare(bacteria), le go tokafatsa gonna lebaka le le leele a santse a siame. Gaa siamela go ka dirisiwa go dirwa mashi aa gatsetseng(cheese).

Madila aa dirilweng kago a tlhantsha ga tlholego ga o a hupetsa a bidiwa mashi a remileng kana themisane.[1] Ka setso, madila eabo ele mashi aa sa remang abo a  tsewa a hupediwa abo a  bewa letsatsi  fago  bothitho teng gantsinyana go bapa le setofo. Madila aa dirilweng ka go remisiwa ka tiriso ya maranyane a sekgowa gantsi a farologana le madila ao a tlogetsweng fela a remisiwa ke bothitho.[2]

Madila aa dirilweng kago tsenya sets’arolosi go tsentswe kana gosa tsenngwa seo se kgonagatsang go rema a bidiwa themisane[1].

Ko Amerika dits’arolosi tsedi dirisiwang go dira mashi ao a remileng di akaretsa acetic acid ( eo gantsi e fihlelwang mo vinikeng(vinegar), adipic acid, citric acid(eo gantsi e fitlhelwang mo matuteng a surinamone, fumaric acid, glucono- delta- lactone, hydrogloric acid, lactic acid, malic acid, phosphoric acid , succinic acid le tartaric acid.

Madila a dirwa kwa gae kana ko malwapeng kana a  jewa ebile a rekisiwa kwa botlhaba jwa Europa ko Balkans le Scandanavia.

E dirwa gape mo malwapeng le go rekisiwa  kana lego jewa kwa mabentleleng aa mo kgaolong ya lecha le letona Somalia  le botlhaba jwa Aforika (Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania). Ke dijo tsa setso gape mo  morafeng wa Bantu mo kgaolong ya Borwa jwa Aforika.

Go tloga ka ngwaga tsa bo 1970, ba ba adirang bane  ba dirisa thata  dits’arolosi  tsa maranyane  a sesha gonale lego remisa fela ka go a baa fela mo letsatsing.[3][4][5][6]

Mo metshamekong

[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Mashi aa phepa fela asa rema kana asena setlhoko gantsi a bidiwa  mashi aa monate ka gobo ana le motswako wa sukiri ee sa tlhotlhwang. Go bidisa kana go ts’arolosa go fetola sukiri ee sa tlhotlhwang go e dira mots’arolosi oo bidiwang lactic acid oo dirang gore go nne le tatso ee setlhokwana.

Pele gago nna teng ga ditsidifatsi tsa sekgowa( refrigeration) mashi aa phepa a ne a nna le setlhoko kana bots’arara pele  gaaka nowa kana a dirisiwa. Mashi aa ne a dirisiwa jaaka nngwe ya tsedi tlhokafalang mo metswakong ee farologaneng ya kapei. Madila  aa dirilweng ka go hupediwa ga mashi ,a farologane ka  thatso gona le ao aa dirilweng kago dirisa dits’arolosi ka gone dits’arolosi tseo gantsi di dirisiwang mo go bidiseng mashi ka maranyane go farologane ka tatso le sets’atolosi sa lactic acid mme ebile gape go hupediwa ga mashi go ka tlisa tatso tse disha tse di  farologaneng. Motswako wa metsi aa tlhotlhilweng fa go dirwa madila ao a dirilweng ka go hupetsa mashi a bo a bewa mo letsatsing a dirisiwa thata boemong jwa mashi one ao.

Bona Gape

[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]
  1. 1.0 1.1 TITLE 21--FOOD AND DRUGS: CHAPTER I, PART 131 MILK AND CREAM". Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR). 2007-04-01. Retrieved 2007-11-18
  2. Dairy-Milk". Retrieved 2024-05-32
  3. Nakamura, Yasunori; Yamamoto, Naoyuki; Sakai, Kumi; Takano, Toshiaki (June 1, 1995). "Antihypertensive Effect of Sour Milk and Peptides Isolated from It That are Inhibitors to Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme". Journal of Dairy Science. 78 (6): 1253–7. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(95)76745-5. PMID 7673515. Retrieved 2007-06-30.
  4. Sukhov, SV; Kalamkarova, LI; Il'chenko, LA; Zhangabylov, AK (1986). "Microfloral changes in the small and large intestines of chronic enteritis patients on diet therapy including sour milk products". Voprosy pitaniia (in Russian). Jul–Aug (4): 14–7. PMID 3765530.
  5. US patent 3625702, Exler, Heinrich, "PREPARATION OF SOUR MILK DRINKS", published 1971-12-07, issued 1971-12-07, assigned to Heinrich Exler
  6. US patent 3978243, Pedersen, Jens Kristian, "Process for preparing gelled sour milk", published 1976-08-31, issued 1976-08-31, assigned to Kobenhavns Pektinfabrik