Milka Chepkorir
Milka Chepkorir o o tshotsweng ka ngwaga wa 1990, ke moithuti wa ditshedi, molwela ditshwanelo tsa batho le molweladiphetogo tsa seemo sa loapi. Go lwela ditshwanelo le phetogo ga gagwe go ne ga itsege fa a nna moemedi wa batho ba Sengwer ba ba nnang kwa Embobut le Kapolet Forest go lwela tshwanelo ya bone morago ga gore ba ntshiwe ka dikgoka ke ba Kenya Forest Service (KFS).
Botshelo jwa gagwe jwa pele le thuto
[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]Chepkorir ke mongwe wa bathoba Sengwer go tswa kwa Kapolet Forest.[1] O nna kwa Kitale. [2]O ithutetse degree tsa Bachelor of Anthropology kwa sekolong se segolwane sa ithutelo ditiro sa Maseno University.[3] Mo bo gompienong o ithutela di Masters mo go tsa bong le tlhabologo (Gender and Development Studies) kwa University of Nairobi ka thuso ya madi ya mogopolo wa JHW.[4]
Go lwela diphetogo
[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]Go lwela diphetogo ga gagwe o go simolotse a santse a tsena sekolo se segolwane (High school). [5]Mme go ne ga itsege fa a nna mongwe wa baithuti kwa UN Human Rights Office Indigenous Fellowship Programme ka ngwaga wa 2016.[6]
Ka thuto e, o ne a tsenelela bokopano jwa United Nation Permanent Forum jwa bo lesome le borataro bo bo neng bo itebagantse le mathata a batlholegi ba lefelo lengwe le lengwe e eneng e tshwaretswe kwa New York, mme a fa pego ka go tlhoka go diragatsa maitlamo a ditshwanelo tsa beng gae ga lekgotla la UN, ka go emela thulaganyo ya Forest People, Natural Justice le makgotla a mangwe a le masome a mabedi. O bua gape ka kgoreletso ya kgololesego ya KFS fa ba ne ba fisa malwapa a le masome a ferabongwe a batho ba Sengwer mo go simologileng ka dithuso tsa madi go tswa kwa European Union le World Bank.[7]
O ne a boa gape a tsenelela bokopano jwa bo lesome le bosupa jwa United Nation Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues ka 2018, mme a bega ka go bogisiwa ga Kenyan Forest Service ka go pateletsa batho ba Sengwer go fuduga mo lefatsheng la bagolwagolwane ba bone.[8] Batho ba Sengwer ba fudusitswe kgapetsakgapetsa ka mabaka a go sireletsa di tora tsa metsi, go leka go hema le go itepatepanya le phetogo ya seemo sa loapi ka thuso ya madi go tswa kwa go ba Europian Union. Phuduso e e pateleditsweng e e ne e dirwa ke KFS, mme pego ya ga Chepkorir e supa fa ba ne ba tsaya ngwana wa mosimane wa dingwaga tse thataro mme ba tsamaya ka ene ba fisa matlo fa mmagwe a sena go iphalotsa. Ba ne ba mo tlogela mo sekgweng bosigo a le nosi.[9]
Morago ga pego e, EU e ne ya emisa porojeke ka nakwana.[10]
[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]Mo nakong eno, o bereka e le morulaganyi wa Community Land Action NOW! (CLAN), gape e le morulaganyi wa Defending Territories of Life gape e le mogakolodi wa Agroecology fund.[11]
[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]- ↑ Paige, Shipman (2020). Annelieke, Douma; Mohr, Tamara (eds.). Embedding gender justice in environmental action: where to start? (PDF). Amsterdam: Both ENDS. p. 24.
- ↑ "Milka Chepkorir". ICCA Consortium. Retrieved 2022-04-20.
- ↑ "Milka Chepkorir Kuto ·". Global Environments Network. Retrieved 2022-04-20.
- ↑ "Milka Chepkorir, Kenya". JWHinitiative. Retrieved 2022-04-20.
- ↑ "Starting young to help her community". Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. 8 August 2016. Retrieved 20 April 2022.
- ↑ "Indigenous peoples' rights violated in the name of conservation - IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs". IWGIA. 31 August 2016. Retrieved 2022-04-20.
- ↑ "Indigenous peoples and conservation: a call to action". Natural Justice. 2017-05-10. Retrieved 2022-04-20.
- ↑ Lieberman, Amy (20 April 2018). "Indigenous leaders at UN forum ask for more accountability in international aid". Devex. Retrieved 20 April 2022.
- ↑ Mwanza, Kevin (2018-01-05). "Kenya's Sengwer say they face fresh threat of eviction from their forest land". Reuters. Retrieved 2022-04-20.
- ↑ "EU suspends its support for Water Towers in view of reported human rights abuses". EEAS. 17 January 2018. Archived from the original on 4 October 2021. Retrieved 20 April 2022.
- ↑ "Donors, Advisors, and Staff". AgroEcology Fund. Retrieved 2022-04-20.