Monica Tabengwa

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Monica Tabengwa ke mmueledi mme gape ke mmatlisisi yo o tswang kwa Botswana yo o direlang ba lephata la Pan-Africa ILGA[1] le Human Rights Watch (HRW). Ke moitse mo dikgannyeng tsa LGBT mo Afrika e e kwa borwa jwa Sahara.[2][3][4][5] Tabengwa o kwadile ka thubakanyo le tlhaolele e batho ba LGBT ba lebaneng le yone mo Afrika e e kwa borwa jwa Sahara.

Tabengwa ke leloko la komiti ya go kwala le yo o saenileng Melaometheo ya Yogyakarta le 10.[6]

Dibuka tse di tlhophilweng[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Ditshupiso[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

  1. Yogyakarta Principles plus 10
  2. "Afrique du Sud: Les lesbiennes victimes de "viols correctifs"". Retrieved 2018-06-11.
  3. "Gambia: "Aggravated Homosexuality Offence Carries Life Sentence". 21 November 2014. Retrieved 2018-06-11.
  4. The Independent (22 November 2016). "Singapore voted against UN's sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) mandate safeguard". The Independent (Singapore). Retrieved 2018-06-11.
  5. "African Human Rights Commission Adopts Continent's First Resolution Against Anti-LGBT Violence". BuzzFeed News. Retrieved 2021-06-16.
  6. "Yogyakarta Principles plus 10".