Phatlalatso ya metsi le kgopo leswe kwa Zambia

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Water supply and sanitation in Zambia
Water coverage (broad definition) (basic water service) 61% (2015)[1][2]
Sanitation coverage (broad definition) (basic sanitation) 31% (2015)[3]
Continuity of supply Average of 16 hours per day in 2010[4]
Average urban water use (L/person/day) 77 (2010), ranging from 26 to 121 between utilities[4]
Average urban water and sanitation tariff (US$/m3) US$5.80/month for metered users
Share of household metering 58% (2010),[4] up from 39% (2006)[5]
Annual investment in WSS US$33.5 million (2002) or US$3/capita/year
Share of external financing 2% government, 98% external donors (2002)
Decentralization to municipalities Yes (11 municipality-owned regional commercial utilities)
National water and sanitation company None
Water and sanitation regulator Yes (NWASCO)
Responsibility for policy setting Minister for Local Government and Housing
Sector law Yes
<abbr title="<nowiki>Number</nowiki>">No. of urban service providers 11 Commercial Utilities

Phatlalatso ya metsi Le kgopo leswe kwa Zambia e lemogiwa ka diphitlhelelo le dikgwetlho. Gareng ga dilo tse di fitlheletsweng ke go tlhamiwa ga ditirelo tsa kgwebo tse di emelang tsa ditikologo tsa metse-se-toropo tsa puso.

Gareng ga dikgwetlho go na le selekanyo se se kwa tlase sa go busediwa ga ditshenyegelo go sa kgathalesege go oketsega ga dituelo mo mafelong a ditoropokgolo; bokgoni jo bo lekanyeditsweng mo lefapheng; kgatelopele e e sa lekaneng mo go oketseng go fitlhelela leswe; maemo a a kwa godimo a metsi a a sa amogeleng (44% go tloga ka 2010) mo mafelong a toropokgolo: selekanyo se se se kwa godimo sa ditsamaiso tsa metsi tsa kwa magaeng tse di sa direng; le maemo a a a sa lekaneng a peeletso go sa kgathale jang thuso e kgolo ya dinaga di sele.[4]

Go tsena[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Go tokafatsa kabo ya metsi le leswe, mo dinageng di le 7 tsa Sub-Saharan, go tloga ka 1990 go fitlha ka 2008.[6]

Ka 2015, 61% ya palogotlhe ya baagi ba ne ba kgona go fitlhelela "bobotlana tirelo ya metsi ya motheo", kgotsa 86% ya baagi ba ditoropokgolo le 44% ya baagi ba metseselegae.[3] Le fa go ntse jalo, batho ba ka nna dimilione di le 6 kwa Zambia ba sa ntse ba sa kgone go bona "bobotlana metsi a motheo". Malebana le go tlosa leswe, ka 2015, 31% ya palogotlhe ya baagi ba ne ba kgona go fitlhelela tirelo ya "bobotlana ya go tlosa lesfe ya motheo". 49% ya baagi ba ditoropokgolo ba ne ba na le go fitlhelela leswe la motheo le 19% ya baagi ba kwa magaeng. Go sa ntse go na le batho ba ka nna dimilione di le 11 ba ba sa kgoneng go fitlhelela bobotlana leswe la motheo. Mo godimo ga moo, ka 2015, 15% ya baagi ba Zambia, ba ne ba tlhapa ka fa ntle.[7][8]

Mo dingwageng tse di fetileng (2010), dipalo e ne e le tse di latelang: 61% ya baagi ba Zambia ba ne ba kgona go bona motswedi o o tokafaditsweng wa metsi mme 48% ba ne ba na le thulaganyo e e lekaneng ya go tlosa leswe, go ya ka tshedimosetso ya UN e e neng ya balwa go ya ka dipatlisiso tsa bosetšhaba, go akaretsa bosheng jaana Demographic and Health Survey ya 2007. Malebana le kabo ya metsi, go na le pharologano e kgolo fa gare ga mafelo a ditoropokgolo (87% ya phitlhelelo go ya ka UN, 78% ya phitlho go ya ka molaodi ka 2010) le mafelo a selegae (46% ya phitlhamo go ya ka United Nations).[6]

Go ya ka dipatlisiso tsa bosetšhaba (57% go ya ka dipatlisiso tsa bosetšhaba, 54% go ya ka molaodi ka 2010) le mafelo a magae (43% go ya ka lekgotla la Ditšhaba Tse di Kopaneng). Mo mafelong a ditoropo, 41% ya batho ba na le metsi mo matlong a bone kgotsa mo jarateng mme 49% ya bone ba dirisa diphaepe tsa metsi. Palo ya batho ba ba nang le difouno tsa mo gae e ile ya fokotsega, fa palo ya ba ba dirisiwang ke di-kiosk yone e ile ya oketsega. Go ya ka mokaedi wa National Water and Sanitation Council e bong Kelvin Chitumbo, Zambia e fitlheletse Mokgele wa Mileniamo wa Tlhabololo wa metsi a a nowang, mme ga e ise e fitlhelele mokgele wa go nna le metsi a a phepa.[9]

Di-kiosk tsa metsi, tse di neng tsa simolola go dirisiwa kwa Zambia ka 2005, di dirisiwa ke batho ba ba sa direng madi ba ba saenneng tumalano le ditlamo tsa metsi le bommasepala. Badiri ba di-kiosk ba reka metsi a a pompiwang ka bontsi mme ba a rekisa ka tlhwatlhwa e e kwa godimo go se kae e e laolwang ya mo e ka nnang US Cent e le nngwe ka dilitara di le 20 mo badirising ba ba isetsang metsi kwa magaeng a bone ka ditanka tsa metsi. Badiri ba mabenkele ano ba oketsa lotseno lwa bone ka go rekisa dilo tse dingwe tse di dirisiwang letsatsi le letsatsi. Ka 2008, go ne go na le di-kiosk tsa metsi di ka nna 170 kwa Zambia tse di neng di tlamela batho ba le 200 000 ka metsi. Go ne go lebeletswe gore go okediwe di-kiosk tse dingwe di le 100 ka 2009.[10][11][12]

Malebana le tsa boitekanelo, 29% ya baagi ba ditoropo ba na le metsi a a phepa a a tsamaisiwang ke leswe mme 30% ya bone ba na le ditanka tsa septic kgotsa matlwana a boithomelo a a tokafaditsweng. Le fa dipalo tseno di le kwa tlase, tota di feta palogare ya batho ba ba kgonang go tsena mo dinageng tsa Afrika e e kwa borwa jwa Sahara.[6]

Lack of access to water and sanitation has significant negative social impacts, in particular on girls and women who are often in charge of collecting water for their villages and homes – sometimes walking extremely long distances to do so. After that girls are too tired to come back home and concentrate on education

Boleng jwa tirelo[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Boleng jwa metsi a a nowang. Go tlhoka metsi le mafelo a boitekanelo go na le ditlamorago tse di sa itumediseng mo setšhabeng, segolobogolo mo basetsaneng le basadi ba gantsi ba rweleng maikarabelo a go sela metsi mo metseng ya bone le mo magaeng a bone, ka dinako tse dingwe ba tsamaya sekgala se seleele thata gore ba kgone go dira jalo. Morago ga moo basetsana ba tla bo ba lapile thata gore ba ka boela gae le go tlhoma mogopolo mo thutong.[13]

Go tswelela pele.Metsi mo ditoropong ga a nnele ruri, ka 2010 a ne a dirisiwa ka palogare ya diura di le 16 ka letsatsi. Nako e e kwa godimo thata ya go kgaogana ga dilo e ile ya lekanngwa kwa Luapula Utility e nnye ka diura di le 6 ka letsatsi. Setlamo se le sengwe fela se se neng se tlamela ka metsi ka metlha ka 2007 e ne e le kwa Chipata, fa ka 2010 setlamo se le sengwe fela se se neng se tlamela ka metsi ka metlha e ne e le Northwestern Water and Sewerage Company .[4]

Go phepafatsa metsi a a leswe. Ditheo tsa go phepafatsa metsi a a leswe ka metlha ga di fitlhelele maemo a go ntsha leswe. Bokgoni jwa dimela tse di tshwanang le Manchinchi kwa Lusaka le Kanini kwa Ndola bo godisitswe ke baagi. Matamo a go tlhomama a Livingstone City a mo seemong se se sa itumediseng mme a baka kotsi e e masisi ya tikologo.[4] Le fa go ntse jalo, go na le diporojeke di le mmalwa tse di simolotsweng go netefatsa go tokafadiwa ga go phepafadiwa ga metsi a a leswe. Ka sekai, ka 2018, makadiba a Kaunda Square stabilization kwa Lusaka a ne a tsosolosiwa ka fa tlase ga Lusaka Water Supply, Sanitation, and Drainage Project (LWSSD).Mo godimo ga moo, Lusaka Sanitation Programme ya dingwaga di le 5 e e tshegediwang ka madi ke EIB, KfW, AfDB, WB le Puso ya Zambia e ne ya simololwa. Boemo jwa porojeke bo ne bo akaretsa go agiwa ga difeketiri tse disha tsa go phepafatsa metsi a a leswe, dikilometara di le 520 tsa mesele ya leswe, ditsamaiso tsa go phepafatša metsi a a se nang metsi a a phepa, matlwana a boithomelo a setšhaba a le 100, mafelo a go phepafatsa a ka nnang 12 000 le difeketiri tsa go phepafisa leswe.

Metswedi ya metsi[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Noka ya Zambezi, e e bontshitsweng fano kwa Victoria Falls, e humile ka metsi. Le fa go ntse jalo, bontsi jwa batho ba Zambia ba nna kgakala thata le noka go ka solegelwa molemo ke yone, ka jalo gantsi metsi a tlhaela ka paka ya komelelo.

Go farologana le dinaga tse dingwe tse dintsi mo kgaolong eno, Zambia e na le metswedi e mentsi ya metsi, le fa metswedi ya metsi e ka nna ya tlhaela ka paka ya komelelo, bogolo jang mo karolong ya borwa jwa naga. Pula ya ngwaga le ngwaga ye e mo magareng ga selekanyo sa1400 mm kwa bokone mme e fokotsega ka iketlo go ya go 700 mm kwa borwa. Naga e humile ka dinoka, jaaka Zambezi le matsha a Tanganyika, Mweru le Kariba. Go akanyediwa gore go dirisiwa fela 1.5% ya metswedi ya metsi a a ntšhafadiwang a ngwaga le ngwaga mo nakong eno. Go na le dipharologano tse di botlhokwa tsa kgaolo go ralala naga malebana le lefelo le nako e metsi a leng teng ka yone. Gape go nna teng ga metsi a a kafa tlase ga lefatshe ga go a anamisiwa ka go lekalekana.[14]

Boikarabelo jwa kabo ya metsi le leswe[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Maikarabêlô mo lefaphêng a kgaogantswê sentlê fa gare ga Lefapha la Puso ya Selegaê le Matlo (thulaganyô), Lekgotla la Bosetšhaba la Mêtsi le Boitekanêlô (thulaganyông ya ikônomi) le pusô ya selegaê gammogo le ditirêlo tsa kgwêbo tsê di leng tsa pusô ya selegaê (tlamêlô ya ditirêlô mo mafelông a ditorôpôkgolo).

Melawana[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Lefapha la Puso ya Selegae le Kago ya Matlo le na le maikarabelo a dipolotiki tsa lekala. Ka fa gare ga Lefapha Lefapha la Kago ya Matlo le Tlhabololo ya Mafaratlhatlha (DHID) le na le maikarabelo a go rulaganya le go kgobokanya metswedi ya metsi le ya kgeleloleswe. DHID e tlhomile Yuniti e e kgethegileng ya Phepelo ya Metsi le Kgeleloleswe ya Magae (Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Unit - RWSSU) ka 2003 mme ka bonako morago ga moo gape e tlhomile yuniti ya Phepelo ya Metsi le Kgeleloleswe ya Mafelo a a Kwa Thoko ya Ditoropo.

Go ya ka Molao wa Bosetšhaba wa Metsi wa 1994 Melawana e le supa e e laolang molao wa puso wa metsi le leswe

  • Go kgaoganngwa ga tsamaiso ya metswedi ya metsi go tswa go kabo ya metsi le leswe
  • Go kgaoganngwa ga ditiro tsa taolo le tsa botsamaisi
  • Go fetisetsa taolo mo pusong ya selegae le dikgwebo tsa poraefete
  • Katlego ya go busetsa ditshenyegelo tsotlhe tsa metsi le ditirelo tsa go tlosa leswe mo nakong e telele
  • Tlhabololo ya didirisiwa tsa batho e e isang kwa ditheong tse di nang le matswela.
  • Tiriso ya thekenoloji e e tshwanelang maemo a selegae
  • Go okediwa ga madi a a dirisediwang lefapha

Ka ngwaga wa 2008 bobotlana melawana e meraro ya ntlha e ne e setse e dirilwe. Le fa go ntse jalo, go busediwa ditshenyegelo ka botlalo go ne go le kgakala le go fitlhelelwa mme ditshenyegelo tsa tekanyetsomadi di ne di le kwa tlase thata ga se se tlhokegang go fitlhelela Mekgele ya Tlhabololo ya Sekete ya Lefapha.

Ka 2010 go ne ga tlhabololwa leano la bosetšhaba la metsi gore go tsewe tsia "dilo tse di diragalang mo lefatsheng lotlhe", go akarediwa dikgang tse di farologaneng tse di jaaka bong, HIV/AIDS le phetogo ya tlelaemete, le go tsenngwa ga melaometheo ya segompieno ya go laola metswedi ya metsi

Taolo le Thapiso[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Mosadi yo o tshotseng metsi kwa Chipata.

Taolo ya ikonomi ya ditirelo tsa metsi le kgeleloleswe ke tiro ya National Water Supply and Sanitation Council (NWASCO). E okamela go baakanngwa ga ditlhwatlhwa, selekanyo se se kwa tlase sa ditirelo, go bonela pele madi le go rulaganya dipeeletso le puso ya kgwebo. NWASCO e dirile "kgatelopele e kgolo mo go sekasekeng, go bega le go dira gore badirisi ba nne le seabe" le fa gone e "se na madi a a lekaneng le badiri ba ba lekaneng". Le fa go ntse jalo, tsela e e dirang ka yone e sa ntse e lekanyeditswe, gareng ga dilo tse dingwe ka gonne "mekgwa ya go dira gore melao e dirisiwe ga e a tlhomama".[15]

NWASCO's e tshegediwa ke ditlhopha tsa batlhokomedi ba metsi le batlhatlhobi ba nakwana ba ba tlhokomelang boleng jwa tirelo mo mmung. Go na le ditlhopha tsa ditshupanako tsa metsi mo ditoropong di le 10. Di na le baithaopi ba ba rutang badirisi ka ditshwanelo le maikarabelo a bone, le go thusa badirisi go rarabolola dingongorego. Seno se bonala se fokoditse bonweenwee jo bonnye le go dirisa metara ka tsela e e sa siamang. Go ya ka dipatlisiso, le fa go tlwaelegile kwa Zambia go duela pipamolomo ka ntlha ya go golaganngwa le motlakase, mofuta ono wa pipamolumo ga o yo mo go golaganeng metsi.[16] Ka 2010 molaodi o ne a fedisa ditlhopha tsa ditshupanako tsa metsi kwa Chingola, Kabwe le Lusaka "ka ntlha ya go sa dire", mme tsotlhe tse tharo di ne tsa tlhomiwa gape dikgwedi di le mmalwa moragonyana.[13]

Di-kiosks tsa metsi kwa Chipata.

When Levy Mwanawasa was elected president in 2002, the sector policies shaped under his predecessor basically remained in place. In 2004 the DTF became operational and two pilot projects in peri-urban areas were initiated in the Itimpi area in Kitwe and the Maiteneke area in Chingola with a total of 11 kiosks supplying 16,000 people. Both areas already had a piped water infrastructure. But it was so deteriorated that it provided no more water at all or so infrequently, so that the residents had reverted to the use of water from other sources including contaminated rivers. Some of those who received piped water got it through illegal connections. Those who had a legal the connection and got water did not pay for it. Water was resold from unmetered connections to neighbors. The commercial utilities paid to operate the system, but did not get any revenues. They were ready to give up the piped water systems in the peri-urban areas, and the residents had given up the hope that the authorities would provide proper piped services. There were also a few standpipes in the areas that provided water for free, but not on a regular basis. At the water kiosks the utility sold water in bulk to private operators who resold the water in buckets at a small profit. Under that system all bills to the utility were paid, while before 75% of bills were not paid. Illegal connections disappeared and leakage was reduced, because the length of the pipes was reduced. The pilots were considered successful by the utilities and the residents, and the system was thus scaled up to other areas and cities nationwide.[17]

Kgwebo ya poraefete le ditlamorago tsa yone mo Copper Belt (2001-2008)[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Ka nako ya matshwao a kgotlelo ya metsi, batho ka dinako tse dingwe ba boela kwa go diriseng didiba tse di seng boteng jaaka e.

Ka ngwaga wa 2001, morago ga go dirwa ga khampani ya meepo ya puso ya ZCCM, maikarabelo a go tlamela ka metsi le go tlosa leswe mo ditoropong tsa meepo a ne a newa khampani ya metsi ya poraefete ya Fora SAUR ka fa tlase ga konteraka ya botsamaisi e e tshegediwang ke Banka ya Lefatshe. Le fa go ntse jalo, seno e ne ya nna kgang e le nngwe fela ya go nna le seabe ga lefapha la poraefete mo lefapheng la metsi la Zambia. Patlisiso e e tshegediwang ke World Bank ke Severn Trent e e dirilweng ka 2002 e ne ya akantsha gore go saeniwe konteraka ya go hira Lusaka, mme puso ga e a ka ya amogela kakantsho eo.[18]

Ditiragalo tsa bosheng (2010 go ya pele)[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Dikarolo tsa madi le bokgoni[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Ditlhotlhwa le ditshenyegelo[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

  1. WHO and UNICEF (2017) Progress on Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: 2017 Update and SDG Baselines. Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 2017
  2. WASHwatch Country Statistics and Country profiles for the WASH sector, 2017
  3. 3.0 3.1 WASHwatch
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 NWASCO. "Urban and Peri-Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Report 2010/11" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 October 2011. Retrieved 27 August 2011.
  5. "NWASCO Report 2007" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-02-16. Retrieved 2023-04-14.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 "WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program for Water and Sanitation". Retrieved 2019-05-03. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "JMP" defined multiple times with different content
  7. " -Zambia". Retrieved 20 July 2017.
  8. WHO/UNICEF (2015) Progress on sanitation and drinking water - 2015 update and MDG assessment, Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation
  9. "Zambia is behind in meeting MDG on water - Chitumbo". Sunday Post. 22 March 2012. Archived from the original on 12 March 2016. Retrieved 22 December 2012.
  10. KfW:Zambia - Successful Water Kiosks, accessed on May 21, 2011
  11. GTZ:Water and sanitation sector reforms in Africa, 2008 p. 22-23
  12. DEG and kfw Entwicklungsbank:Wasser -elementar für Entwicklung.
  13. 13.0 13.1 NWASCO. "Annual Report 2010" (PDF). p. 4–6. Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 April 2020. Retrieved 27 August 2011.
  14. Zambia Water Sector Challenges for Integrated Water Resources Management in Zambia, by Peter Sievers, Programme Coordinator, Water Sector Coordination Unit, Royal Danish Embassy, Zambia, January 2006, p. 3
  15. Hulya Dagdeviren and Simon A. Robertson:Policy Research Brief: Reforming without Resourcing: The Case of Urban Water Supply in Zambia, International Poverty Center, September 2008
  16. Water Integrity Network:Corruption risks and integrity in urban water supply and sanitation, WIN brief No. 4, 2011, Box 1:Participation in Action - Water Watch Groups in Zambia, quoting research by F. Boehm:"Is there an anti-corruption agenda in regulation?
  17. . pp. 355–367. {{cite book}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  18. . pp. 264–279. {{cite book}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)