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Philippa Hobbs

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Philippa Hobbs ke mokwala hisitori wa botaki wa Aforika Borwa, motaki le mokokoanyi wa botaki. O tshotswe  ka ngwaga wa  1955 mme a tsena kwa  sekolong sa St Andrew ka ngwaga wa 1972. O ne a ithuta botaki kwa Johannesburg College of Art pele ga a fetsa dithuto tsa gagwe tsa dikgatiso kwa University of the Arts (Philadelphia). Moragonyana o ne a tsweledisa  dithuto tsa gagwe kwa Yunibesithing ya Afrika Borwa (UNISA) le kwa Technikon Witwatersrand.[1]Hobbs e ne e le porofesa wa histori ya botaki kwa Yunibesithing ya Witwatersrand kwa Johannesburg go tloga ka ngwaga wa 1988 go fitlha ka ngwaga wa 1993. O itsege ka go nna le seabe mo go direng botaki (ka dipontsho tsa bosetšhaba le tsa boditšhabatšhaba), thuto ya botaki, patlisiso le, bosheng jaana, tlhabololo ya setšhaba ka botaki. Hobbs mo bo gompieno o berekq ele  motlhokomedi wa dikokoano tsa botaki tsa MTN le mosaics yo mogolo wa botaki le setso.

Hobbs o ne a lalediwa go nna le seabe mo porojekeng ya Ditshwantsho tsa Ditshwanelo tsa Botho ka ngwaga 1996, e e neng e akaretsa bataki ba ba neng ba dira ditshwantsho tsa karolo nngwe le nngwe ya Molaotlhomo wa Ditshwanelo tsa Aforika Borwa. Molawana wa ga Hobbs e ne e le Molawana wa 8: Kgololesego ya go Bua, mo mokwalong wa gagwe wa logong o o reng o bontsha tekatekano e e sa tlhomamang magareng ga ditshwanelo tsa go bua le ditlamorago tse di latelang.[1]

Ditiro tse dingwe tsa ga Hobbs di akaretsa 'Dracunculus and Cat's Cradle, e e betilweng ka logong ka ngwaga wa 1993, le Spiritus Candelabrae, e e betilweng ka logong ya mebala e mebedi e e dirilweng ka ngwaga 1992.

Hobbs o ne a tsenelela Dithuto tsa gagwe mo dithulaganyong tsa gagwe tse a di gatisitseng, tse di bidiwang Foot Print Studio. Setudio sena se simolotse ka maikaelelo a go ruta bataki ba ba simololang le ba ba gatileng.


[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Hobbs o ne a gatisa mmogo le Elizabeth Rankin ka ngwaga wa 1997 (David Philip Publishers) buka ya Printmaking in a Transforming South Africa, e e tlhalosang ka ga go gatisa go "fetileng dikgaogano tsa botaki jwa Aforika Borwa"[2] le go tlhalosa diazole tsa botekgeniki le tsa go tlhalosa tsa go gatisa, fa gape e sekaseka seabe se e neng e se tshameka jaaka mokgwa wa go ganetsa ka nako ya ntwa ya kgololosego.

Ka ngwaga wa  2003, Hobbs le Rankin ba ne ba gatisa Rorke's Drift Empowering Prints,[3] e e itebagantseng le Evangelical Lutheran Church Art and Craft Centre, e e itsegeng thata ka leina la Rorke's Drift Art and Craft Centre. Kgatiso ya bone e sekaseka botaki jo bo dirilweng ke bataki ba batho bantsho ba ba ithutileng kwa bodirelong, go akaretsa moithuti wa bone wa ntlha ebong Allina Ndebele, yo Hobbs a mo batlisitseng thata mo dikgatisong tse dingwe tsa gagwe tsa ngwaga wa  2011 tse di bidiwang Water and Space, 2014 Allina Ndebele's Tree of Life, le 2018 Mantis Wedding: Performing Power in the Loom.

Kgatiso ya ga Hobbs ya ngwaga wa 2006, e e bidiwang Messages and Meaning, ke buka ya MTN Art Collection e a leng motshwaramatlotlo wa yone. Ke kgobokanyo ya ditlhamo tsa bakwadi ba ba tshwanang le bo Nessa Leibhammer, Elizabeth Rankin, Wilma Cruise le bakwadi ba bangwe ba ba itsegeng. E sekaseka ka fa kgobokanyo e leng "sedirisiwa sa go beeletsa mo loagong, motswedi wa thuto, tsela ya go rotloetsa tlhaeletsano le kgotlhang mo teng ga ntlo, le go bontsha bajanala botaki jwa Aforika Borwa le Aforika".[4]

Hobbs o ne gape a nna le seabe mo kgatisong e e itsegeng ya botaki ya Afrika Borwa, Taxi mme gantsi o kwala Taxi Art Education Supplement e e tsamaelanang le yone ya barutabana le baithuti ba sekolo, e e dirang gore tshedimosetso e bonwe motlhofo. Ditlaleletso tseno di na le dipampiri tsa tiro, mabokoso a tshedimosetso a dikgopolo tsa botaki jo bo nang le dikgwetho.[5]

  • 1975 Fine Art Award, Johannesburg College of Art Sekolo sa Botaki sa Johannesburg
  • 1978 Lenaane la Baruti (Kholeji ya Botaki ya Philadelphia, USA)
  • 1987 Rektor's Medal, Technikon Witwatersrand (Dithuto tsa Dipoloma e e kwa Godimo)
  • 1987 Mofenyi wa makgaolakgang le Moputso wa Merit, Volkskas Atelier Awards, Pretoria
  • 1987 Sekgele sa Chamber of Mines, TWR (For Higher Diploma studies)
  • 1988 Mofenyi wa makgaolakgang, AA Vita Awards, Johannesburg
  • 1988 Finalist, Cape Town Triennale, Cape Town
  • 1994 Alumnus Award, Technikon Witwatersrand
  • 2004 Business Arts South Africa Award (Special Project) ya go bontsha le go gatisa Rorke's Drift: Empowering Prints
  1. 1.0 1.1 http://www.durbanet.co.za/exhib/dag/hr/cl08.htm
  2. Hobbs, P., Rankin, E. 1997. Printmaking in a Transforming South Africa. Claremont: David Philip Publishers.ISBN 0-86486334-9
  3. Hobbs, P., Rankin, E., 2003. Rorke’s Drift Empowering Prints. Cape Town: Double Story Books.ISBN 1-919930-13-2
  4. Hobbs, P. (ed.) 2006. Messages and Meaning. Johannesburg: David Krut Publishing.ISBN 0-9584860-6-9
  5. "Taxi Art Books". David Krut Publishing.com. Archived from the original on 4 June 2004.