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Glody Dube

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Glody Dube (o tshotswe ka Phukwi a tlhola gabedi ngwaga wa 1978 mo Matshelagabedi ) ke motlabogi wa Botswana yo o itebagantseng le mabelo a a fagare a selekanyo sa makgolo a borobabobedi.Glody o tsene sekolo se se potlana kwa Matshelagabedi Primary School ka ngwaga wa 1985-1992 a ya go tsweledisa dithuto tsa gagwe kwa Matsiloje Secondary School ka ngwaga wa 1993-1996.O ne a dira bontle mo dithutong tsa gagwe tse dikgolwane.

Katlego ya gagwe

[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Motlabogi ebong Glody Dube o ne a tlhopiwa go nna leloko la Botswana Arthlets Association ka ngwaga wa 2007 morago ga go tlogela go tlabogela lefatshe la Botswana.E ne e le modiri yo o ratang tiro ya gagwe mo maemong a bokwaledi jwa lekoko la BAA.O ntse o direla mo lekokong la BAA le fa mo bosheng a ne a kgaphelwa ka fa tlhoko ntateng ya boitsholo jwa gagwe jo bo neng bo sa jese diwelang ba lekoko la gagwe.Mme o ne a itshwarelwa mme ba mmusetse.

Diphenyo tsa gagwe

[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Bogolo jwa gagwe

[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]
  • Sekgele sa selekanyo sa makgolo a borobabobedi - 1:44.59 min (2001) - tshupo ya setshaba ke 1:44.47 min.[1]
  • 1500 metres - 3:39.60 min (2001) - tshupo ya setshaba

Glody o kile a baya lefatshe la Botswana mo mmepeng ka go dira sentle kwa dikgaisanong tsa mabelo tse a neng a di tsenelela.O itsege lefatshe ka bophara ka gore o nale polelo ee kgatlhisang matlho ke ka moo a itsegeng.Re ka mo tshwantshanya le Mme Amantle Montsho yo gompieno a dira sentle le e ne mo mabelong.

  1. "Botswanan athletics records". Archived from the original on 2007-09-26. Retrieved 2011-12-05.