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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Tsalo (1977-09-15) 15 September 1977 (age 47)
Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria
LetsoNigerian, American
Maina amangweAmanda N. Adichie
Alma materEastern Connecticut State University (BA)

Johns Hopkins University (MA)

Yale University (MA)
TiroNovelist, short story writer, non-fiction|non-fiction writer
Dingwaga tsa a le mo tirong2003–present
O itsegi kaPurple Hibiscus (2003)

Half of a Yellow Sun (2006) Americanah (2013)

We Should All Be Feminists(2014)
Ivara Esege
(m. 2009)
O fetheletseMacArthur Fellowship (2008)

Nonino#Winners|International Nonino Prize (2009) PEN Pinter Prize (2018)

National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction (2014)[2]

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie o tshotswe ka Lwetse ngwaga wa 1977,[3][4] ke mokwadi wa kwa Nigeria o tiro ya gagwe e akaretsang dibuka tse dibuang ka dikgang tse di itlhametsweng, dipalo khutswe le tsa ditiragalo tse di diragetseng. Go tlhalositswe mo lokwalong lwa The Times Literacy Supplement fa a tseelwa kwa godimo mo tirong ya bakwadi ba ba botlana ba ba kwalang ka tse di itlhametsweng wa mo Nigeria mme a kgatlha leitlho la batho ba le bantsi,[5] bogolo jang kwa legaeng la gagwe la bobedi kwa United States.

Adichie o kwadile dibuka tsa dikgang tse di itlhametsweng di le dintsi, dingwe tsa tsone e le Purple Hibiscus ka ngwaga wa 2003, Half of a Yellow Sun ka 2006 le Americanah ka ngwaga wa 2013, dipolelo tse dikhutshwane, ditlhamo tse di boleele jwa dibuka We should All Be Feminists ka ngwaga wa 2014 le Dear Ijeawele kgotsa A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions ka ngwaga wa 2017, le buka ka botshelo jwa gagwe Notes on Grief ka ngwaga wa 2021.[6]

Ka ngwaga wa 2008, o ne a atswiwa ka madi ke ba MacArthur Genius.[4] O ne a amogela mpho ya PEN Pinter Prize ka ngwaga wa 2018.[7] O ne a lemogiwa e le mongwe wa bomme ba le lekgolo ke BBC ka ngwaga wa 2021.[8]

Ka 2002, polelo khutswe ya gagwe ya "You in America" e ne ya tlhophiwa go tsena mo lenaneong la Caine Prize for African Writing, polelo ya gagwe ya "That Harmattan Morning" e ne ya tlhophiwa go nna mofenyi wa dieetsele tsa dipolelo khutswe tsa BBC World Service Short Story Awards ka ngwaga wa 2002. Ka 2003, o ne a fenya seetsele sa David T. Wong International Short Story Price 2002/2003.[9]

Kgodiso le tsa lolwapa

[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Adichie o tsholetswe kwa toropong ya Enugu kwa lefatsheng la Nigeria,[10][4]ke ngwana wa botlhano mo go ba barataro go tswa mo lolwapeng lwa lotso lwa Igbo. O godiseditswe kwa toropong ya Nsukka kwa kgaolong ya Enugu. Fa a gola, rragwe ebong James Nwoye Adichie (o o tshotsweng ka ngwaga wa 1932 a tlhokafala ka 2020)[11] e ne e le motlhatlheleladithuto wa dipalopalo kwa University of Nigeria. Mmagwe (o o tshotsweng ka ngwaga wa 1942 a tlhokafala ka 2021)[12] e ne e le mokwadisi wa ntlha wa mme kwa sekolong seo sa ithutelo ditiro.[13] Ba ne ba nna mo ntlong e e neng e le mo sekolong, e pele e kileng ya nniwa ke Chinua Achebe.[14][15] Lolwapa lo ne lwa latlhegelwa ke tsotlhe, di akaretsa bommagwemogolo le borragwemogolo go tswa mo matlhakoreng otlhe a lolwapa, ka nako ya ntwa ya selegae kwa Nigeria.[16] Motse wa borragwemogolwagolwane o kwa Abba kwa kgaolong ya Anambra.[3]

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie kwa Berlin, Germany

Adichie o feleleditse dithuto tsa gagwe tse dikgolwane kwa sekolong sa University of Nigeria Secondary School kwa Nsukka kwa a neng a amogela dietseele tsa thuto tse di farologaneng.[15] O ithutetse tsa kalafi le melemo kwa University of Nigeria sebaka sa ngwaga le sephatlo. Ka nako e o o ne a kwala makasine o o neng o bidiwa The Compass, o o neng o dirwa ke baithuti ba kalafi ba makatoliki.[17]

Fa a le dingwaga di le lesome le boferabongwe, Adichie o ne a ya kwa United States go ithutela tsa dipuisano le maranyane a sepolotiki kwa Drexel University kwa toropong ya Philadelphia kwa Pennsylvania.[18] O ne a fudugela kwa Eastern Connecticut State University (ECSU) gore a nne gaufi le mogolowe Uche,[19] o a neng a na le sepatela kwa Coventry Connecticut. O ne a aloga kwa sekolong seo[20] e le moithuti o o gaisitseng ka ngwaga wa 2001.[21]

Ka ngwaga wa 2003, Adichie o ne a fetsa master's degree mo go tsa bokwadi jwa boitlhamedi kwa Johns Hopkins University. [22]Adichie o ne a nna moithuti mme gape a bereka kwa Princeton University ka ngwaga wa 2005 go tsena ka 2006.[23] Ka ngwaga wa 2008, o ne a aloga ka Master of Arts degree mo dithutong tsa se Aforika kwa Yale university,[24] O ne a neelwa sebaka sa go ithuta mme a duelwa e ntse e le ka 2008 sa McArthur Fellowship, le se sengwe ka ngwaga wa 2011 go tsena 2012 ke Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study kwa harvard University.[21]

Adichie o neetswe ditlotla di le lesome le borataro go tswa kwa dikolong tsa Yale University,University of Pennsylvania, University of Edinburgh, Duke University, Georgetown University, Johns Hopkins University le Catholic University of Louvain kwa a amogetseng tlotla ya borataro kwa moletlong Moranang a le malatsi a masome mabedi le boferabobedi ngwaga wa 2022.[25]

Tiro ya bokwadi

[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie kwa Santiago, Chile, in 2020

Adichie o gatisitse buka e e kgobokantseng maboko e e bidiwang Decisions ka ngwaga wa 1997, le motshameko o o bidiwang For Love of Biafra ka 1998 a dirisa leina la Amanda N. Adichie.[26] [27]Polelo-khutswe ya gagwe e e bidiwang "My Mother, the Crazy African", e a saleng a e kwala fa a santse a dira ngwaga wa bofelo kwa sekolong se segolwane a nna kwa Connecticut, e tlhalosa mathata a a tlhagang fa motho a lebannwe ke ditso di le pedi tse di sa tsamaelaneng.[28]

Adichie o gatisitse gape dipolelo mo lokwalong lwa Zoetrope: All-Story le makasine wa Topic.[29]

Buka ya gagwe ya ntlha ya ditiragalo tse di itlhametsweng ya Purple Hibiscus e e gatisitsweng ka ngwaga wa 2003, e ne e galalediwa mo lefatsheng ka bophara; e ne ya nna nngwe ya tse di neng di phadisanela seetsele sa Orange Prize for Fiction ka ngwaga wa 2004,[30] e ne ya fenya seetsele sa Commonwealth Writers Prize sa buka e e gaisitseng mme e le yantlha ya mokwadi oo ka ngwaga wa 2005.[31]

Buka ya bobedi e le e go itlhametsweng ditiragalo ya Half of a Yellow Sun, e e gatisitsweng ka ngwaga wa 2006, e neetswe leina le e neng e le la folaga ya morafe o o sa nnang teng lobaka wa Biafra, e kwadilwe go lebilwe ditiragalo tsa pele le tsa nako ya ntwa kwa Nigeria.[32] Rragwemogolo Adichie o ne a tlhokafala kwa dikampeng tsa batshabi ka nako ya ntwa,mme Adichie o tlhalositse gore o kwadile buka e e le segopotso sa gagwe.[14]Adichie o tlhalositse gore buka ya ga Buchi Emecheta ya Destination Biafra ya ngwaga wa 1982 e ne e le botlhokwa mo patlisisong ya gagwe fa a kwala Half of a Yellow Sun.[33] Buka e ya Half of a Yellow sun, e ne ya fetolelwa mo motshamekong wa telebishine o kaelwa ke Biyi Bandele, baanelwa bagolo e le Chiwetel Ejiofor le Thandiwe Newton ba ba kileng ba fenya seetsele sa BAFTA, se ntshitswe ka ngwaga a 2014.[34] Ka Ngwanatsele 2020, Half of a Yellow Sun e ne ya tlhopiwa ke sechaba go nna buka e e gaisitseng e e kileng ya fenya seetsele sa basadi ba dipolelo tse di itlhamelwang mo ditsong tsa dingwaga di le masome a mabedi le botlhano.[35]

Ka ngwaga wa 2008 o ne a gatisa polelo-khutswe e bidiwa "A Private Experience" e mo go yone bomme ba le babedi ba ditso tse di farologaneng ba ithutang go kgona go tlhaloganyana ka nako ya dikgoberego.[36]

Buka ya ga Adichie ya boraro "The Thing Around Your Neck" e e gatisitsweng ka 2009, ke kgobokanyo ya dipolelo di le lesome le bobedi tse di ribololang botsalano jwa banna le basadi, bana le batsadi, Aforika le United States.[37]

Polelo ya ga Adichie ya "Ceiling" e ne e akareditswe mo dipolelo-khutsweng tsa The Best American Short Stories tsa ngwaga wa 2011.[38][39]

Buka ya gagwe ya boraro ya ditiragalo tse di itlhametsweng, Americanah e e gatisitsweng ka 2013, e sala morago botshelo jwa lekgarejwana la kwa Nigeria, fa le simolola go kopana le ditso kwa America, e ne ya tlhopiwa ke ba New York Times go nna nngwe ya dibuka di le lesome tse di gaisitseng ka ngwaga wa 2013. Mo bonyaneng jwa gagwe kwa Nigeria, Adichie o ne a sa tlwaela go tlhaolwa ka mmala wa letlao la gagwe, se se simologile go diragala kwa America fa a ya go tsena sekolo. Jaaka motho montsho wa mo Aforika kwa America, Adichie o ne a itemogela gore go raya eng go nna motho wa mmala o sele kwa America. Lotso e ne ya nna sengwe sa dilo tse a neng a tshwanelwa ke go ithuta go tshela le tsone.[40] O ne a kwala ka maitemogelo a mo bukeng e.[41] Buka e e ne ya fenya gape seetsele sa National Book Critics Circle Award,[42]mme e ne ya re ka ngwaga wa 2017, ya fenya lenaneo la One Book, One New York;[43][44][45]le le rotloetsang banni ba toropo go bala buka e le nngwe.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie mo Ms magazine cover

Ka ngwaga wa 2015, o ne a nna motlhokomedi wa moletlo wa PEN World Voices kwa toropong ya New York.[46] O ne a fa lefoko la bofelo kwa moletlong o o a tlhalosa fa a tla emela ebile a tla buelela tshwanelo ya mongwe le mongwe ya go abelana polelo ya bone.[47]

Buka ya gagwe e e neng ya latela ya Dear Ijeawele or a manifesto in fifteen Suggestion e gatisitswe ka Mopitlo 2017,[48] e ne e simolotse e le lokwalo lo Adichie a neng a lo kwaletse tsala ya gagwe e e neng e kopile kgakololo ka go godisa ngwana wa gagwe wa mosetsana e le mmueledi wa ditshwanelo tsa bomme.

Ka ngwaga wa 2020, Adichie o ne a gatisa Zikora, polelo-khutswe e e buang ka tlhaolele ya bong le go nna mme o o godisang bana o le nosi.[49]

Ka Motsheganong ngwaga wa 2021, Adichie o ne a ntsha buka e e buang ka botshelo jwa gagwe, mme e itebagantse le loso lwa ga rragwe e e bidiwang Notes on Grief,[6][50] buka e e ikaegile ka tlhamo ya leina leo e e neng e gatisitswe mo New Yorker ka Lwetse 2020. [51]

Ka ngwaga wa 2022, kgwedi ya Moranang, go en aga bolelwa fa buka ya ga Adichie ya ntlha ya bana e e bidiwang Mama's sleeping scarf, e tla ntshiwa ka letlhafula ka ngwaga wa 2023, e kwaletswe ngwana wa gagwe wa mosetsana.[52][53]

Fa motlhatlhelela dithuto wa ditso Toyin Falola a ne a botsolosiwa, o buile ka batho ba kwa Nigeria ba a dumelang gore ba lemogilwe pele ga nako. Mo pegong ya gagwe o ne a bua ka barutegi ba a ba bitsang bagaka. Bangwe ba bone ke Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Chinua Achebe, Teslim Elias, Babatunde Fafunwa, Simeon Adebo,Bala Usman, Eni Njoku, Ayodele Awojobi le Bolanle Awe.[54]

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  34. Felperin, Leslie (10 November 2013), "Half of a Yellow Sun: London Review", The Hollywood Reporter.
  35. "Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie voted best Women's Prize for Fiction winner". BBC News. 12 November 2020.
  36. Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi (28 December 2008). "A Private Experience: A short story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie". The Observer.
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