Ricki Kgositau

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Tshepo Ricki Kgositau-Kanzaa ke Motswana o o nnang kwa Aforika Borwa, o e leng molwela ditshwanelo tsa batho ba ba fetotseng bong. Ka ngwaga wa 2017, o ne a nna ene mme wantlha mo Botswana go lemogiwa semmuso gore o fetotse bong.

Botshelo jwa gagwe[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Kgositau o sale a itshwaya fa e le mosadi go tswa kwa bonyennyaneng.[1] Ka ngwaga wa 2011, o ne a ikopela gore bong jwa gagwe bo kwalwe ele mosadi mo karateng ya Omang ke ba ofisi ya Civil and National Registration mme ba ne ba retelelwa ke go dira phetogo e.[2]

Ka ngwaga wa 2017, kgotlatshekelo ya Botswana e ne ya laolela puso go lemoga bong jwa gagwe jwa sesadi, se se dira gore e nne ene mosadi o o fetotseng bong wa ntlha go lemogiwa semmuso mo Botswana.

Kgositau o nna kwa Aforika Borwa.[2]

Tsa pereko le bobueledi[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Kgositau ke mokaedi kwa Gender Dynamix trans-right organisation.[3] Ke mmueledi wa ditshwanelo tsa go fetola bong.[1]

Dikgatiso tse di tlhophilweng[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

Metswedi[fetola | Fetola Motswedi]

  1. 1.0 1.1 "Botswana to recognise a transgender woman's identity for first time after historic High Court ruling | The Independent | The Independent".2021-08-03. Independent.co.uk. Archived from the original on 2021-08-03.Retrieved 2022-06-23.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Camminga,B.(2020-07-30)."One for one and one for all? Human rights and transgender access to legal gender recognition in Botswana".International Journal of Gender, Sexuality and Law.1(1).doi 10.19164/ijgsl.v1i1.993.ISSN 2056-3914.
  3. SADC Gender Protocol 2018 Barometer. (2018). South Africa: Gender Links. p47
  4. Camminga, B., Marnell, J. (2022). "Queer and Trans African Mobilities: Migration, Asylum and Diaspora". United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Publishing. p56
  5. "Trans Lives in a Globalizing World: Rights, Identities and Politics. "(2020). United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.